Thursday, 2 February 2012

Day 8

Song made my Kayline and Alexia about our resident partiers 

The morning after spending the whole night in the bus

Nothing wakes you up like bad coffee and Sprite in the morning! 

Day 8 with no sleep. Are we tired? Hell yes. Does that mean we’re going to go to bed instead of staying up all night? Nope. It just means we’ll have impromptu naps whenever we can 

Impromptu nap example 1#

Impromptu nap example 2#

City exploring and fooling around 
In pic: Andrew from the U.S.

Reminds me of a modern totem pole 

Lazy beach time at the end of the day! Only on the South trip
could you go walking on a Glacier one day and the a couple
days later be hitting the beach! 

An international group of friends that I hope to have forever 
(Countries include: Canada. United States, South Africa. Mexico, Finland and Argentina) 

Day 6 & 7

Day 6:
Day 6 was a museum day and I kind of slacked off on the picture taking because of passport troubles (Day 7 the group left for Chile).  I did manage to get one important shot though! 

Group shot in the Ice Bar and a glacier museum in Calafate. 

Day 7: The Disasters
Day 7 was the day were the Disasters spent quality time together. Who are the Disasters? Well that would be all of us who messed up in some way or form. I was a Disaster because I ended up leaving my passport back in my home town Mar Del Plata so I couldn’t go to Chile with the rest of the bus. I thought I was going to be left back in Argentina alone with one of the Rotarians but because of a certain hotel party, I had 7 other Disasters get to keep me company. Even though we were stuck in Calafate, we made sure to have our share of fun too! 

Picture of the Disasters in the bus that was going to take 
us to meet up with the rest of the group

Day 5 of the South trip

Again, I'll let the pictures do the talking:

Ohh Canada!..... Wait…. What is the South African doing there?  

An international hug

As the Rotarians put it: All friendships made here are
one step further towards global acceptance.

Glad to finally be in the mountains again...
even if it was just for a brief period of time 

Definitely one of natures most amazing sounds

Amazingly Beautiful 

Trees! That are not Palm trees! 

Ice breaking off and falling into the lake

Hanging out by a lake before dinner

Group shot! 

Day 4 of the South Trip

I'll just let the pictures do the talking. Words wouldn't do the day justice anyway. 

For Argentineans, there is always enough time for a coffee break.
Did I mention there is a lot I like about the Argentinean lifestyle? 

Our trusty boat that took us to the glacier

the Canadians 

The South African: Velum (Left), me (middle), Canada: Kristen (right)

South African, American and me

The Glacier we would later be walking on!

This piece of ice floating in the lake is about the height of a two story house

The part of the glacier that is above water is about 3 and a half 
stories high. 

Our trusty guides

Spikes we wore on our shoes to go glacier walking

Me and the other Canadian Kenndall

On the glacier! I turned out to be a very good glacier walker.
The guide said it must be the Canadian in me.

Our guide

Walking on the glacier was definitely I sight to behold.
It is also something I will never forget.

Kind of weird seeing all of that ice and walking on it
when it's 18 degrees out

Something that I made for the glacier to remember me by

Group shot on the glacier. Notice that we're all girls
except one very lucky Danish guy.