Song made my Kayline and Alexia about our resident partiers
The morning after spending the whole night in the bus
Nothing wakes you up like bad coffee and Sprite in the morning!
Day 8 with no sleep. Are we tired? Hell yes. Does that mean we’re going to go to bed instead of staying up all night? Nope. It just means we’ll have impromptu naps whenever we can
Impromptu nap example 1#
Impromptu nap example 2#
City exploring and fooling around
In pic: Andrew from the U.S.
Reminds me of a modern totem pole
Lazy beach time at the end of the day! Only on the South trip
could you go walking on a Glacier one day and the a couple
days later be hitting the beach!
An international group of friends that I hope to have forever
(Countries include: Canada. United States, South Africa. Mexico, Finland and Argentina)